Location: UK
Name: Ifrit
Hello i am looking at joining a decent legion with friendly people who like both pvp and pve.
I started back in game a couple of months ago and i am hoping to be lvl 50 by the time 2.0 hits.
The reason I am leaving my current legion is that there arent enough people to go and quest with and there are very few lvl 50's (alot of people dont want to be 50 anytime soon because thats their strategy
I am currently harvesting mats for the fenris gear and my tailoring will be 449 by this weekend (435 atm).
Some of you might remember me for my noobish antics in SR a couple of days ago, hope that doesn't go as a black mark next to my name
The reason I would like to join is that you all seem like decent people anyway.
I am currently trying to develop my skills on the game and I have been putting in alot of hard grind over the past month or so because I was only lvl 38 when I came back.
I'm not heavily experienced in MMO's the last time I was into an MMO as much as this was back in the day when i used to play Dark Ages for Camelot / Guild Wars, but something about aion has really captured my drive and ambition to be a successful and competitve player and I want to group up with friendly like minded gamers.