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Legion Aion // Server: Castor // Faction: Asmodians
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 Legion Rules

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Join date : 2009-10-23

Legion Rules Empty
PostSubject: Legion Rules   Legion Rules Icon_minitimeFri Oct 23, 2009 6:30 pm

The following are the basic rules of conduct that govern player interaction and activity within AION PewPew Legion. Failure to act responsibly and comply with these rules within AION PewPew Legion and the official AION PewPew Legion Forums may result in the termination of your membership.

1. You may not harass or threaten other players.

2. You may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language. Excessive use of foul language in an inappropriate context, including swear words, real-world racial slurs, and other language that is not consistent with the fantasy environment and designed to hurt, will be considered a disruption and will not be tolerated. The existence of the profanity filter is not a license to be profane.

3. You may not apply to another Legion. You will be instantly kicked out from the Legion, and you're not gonna be able to apply again for our Legion.

4. In order to make our Legion stronger i suggest you to donate at least the stigmas for our members who needs them.

5. Do not try to sell anything in Legion Chat. You can only donate.

6. Loot Distribution Options selected by the group leader are not contestable. When you join a group, be sure to check the loot options selected by the group leader. By joining the group, you agree to these options. It is your responsibility to check the group options at this time. You may leave the group should you disagree with the options selected by the group leader; however, remaining in the group signifies your acceptance of these options.

7. If any of our Centurions announces a Siege or any other kind of Alliance which involves any of our members to join you will do your best to be available at that time. Trying to form a group (with legion members) for your interest in that time will give you a special prize: 1 week banned from Legion actions, if that happens again you will get a legendary prize: kick out from the Legion.

8. If you have any strong reason to leave the game for more then 5 days you need to inform one of our leaders or simply post in the "Yey Holiday time or not Sad !".

Leader: Vital

Centurions: Fefe, Genesis, Revion, Tataie, Vicii

To be continued
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